Friday 19 August 2016

Osteoarthritis of the Spine – Two types of spinal osteoarthritis

Arthritis is a general term which is used for describing several different types of diseases causing stiffness, tenderness, swelling and pain of joints and abnormalities of different soft tissues of the human body. It is derived from “ethos” which means a joint and its different attachments; and “itis” which means inflammation. If you have osteoarthritis of the spine, then you should consult an experienced spinal surgeon like Dr. Erik Bendiks, the best surgeon in spine treatment Atlanta. He recommends the best treatment as per your existing condition so that you can do daily activities without any hurdle and without getting dependent on others. 

Just like involvement of other joints in arthritis, lower back is most pronounced and painful in the morning and condition deteriorates further during the day. Often pain decreases during the day as normal movement of a person stir the presence of fluid lubricants of the joints. There is very possible that pain in lower back might radiate to the thighs, pelvis, and buttocks and even in the groin region. 

Nerve irritation because of bone spurs or herniated disc can cause tingling, weakness and numbness. It can also lead to pain in the legs, which also radiates to one foot.  Arthritis leading to narrowing of the spinal cord or spinal stenosis in the lower back can lead to walking and/or exercise related symptoms in both legs.  

Neck pain triggering from arthritis worsens in the morning as well as evening, and it improves during the day. Often, the pain radiates between the shoulder blades, to the shoulder and up the neck causing headache.

With disc herniation and nerve entrapment, patient might experience numbness or weakness of certain fingers, one hand and even in both arms. In addition, compression of the spinal cord cans also causes problems related to bladder and bowel control and walking.

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